Posts Tagged 'Randy'

eggs coming out of our ears

We have chickens. They are crazy ladies that lay an enormous amount of eggs.  We are thankful for that! But, sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to consume 4-6 dozen eggs at a time! This is what Randy brought home the other night from the farm.

Wow!! That’s a lot of eggs!! And we already had 3 dozen in the fridge! Funny little side story…Randy came in with that basket, which I had never seen before.  I said, “honey, where’d you get that cute basket?”  He said, “oh, it was in the garbage pile at the job site and I took it to the farm and washed it with some bleach water and now it’s my egg basket!”  Ok, maybe you have to know Randy to think this is funny but, only Randy would save a little basket from the garbage pile, then take the time to wash it with bleach to use for collecting his eggs!!  It cracked me up! What other man would do that?

Anyway, needless to say, we’ve been eating a lot of eggs! Boiled eggs on salad, egg salad, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, quiche(we had that last night-YUM!).  I’m running out of ideas.  Do you have any suggestions for other egg recipes?  Leave me a comment, c’mon help a girl out…6 dozen eggs, people!! -amy

Metalman lights the way



I didn’t accomplish very much this weekend but I can show you what Randy did! He made these two floorlamps for an interior designer in Nashville. Randy’s inspiration came from a picture of an French antique lamp. All the pieces of the lamp are handmade and forged except for the decorative leaves. After he assembled the lamps and wired them, he put an antique bronze finish on them. Now they just need some pretty parchment shades to finish them off! I kinda see them in a dark panelled library with a roaring fire. The lamp would be nestled beside a cozy worn leather chair. A great spot for getting lost in a book for the afternoon! Hope you had a great weekend! -Amy

Metalman strikes again



I wanted to show off some of Randy’s latest work. These are two small side tables he just finished. They are both hand-forged which is a process of heating the metal so it can be bent or hammered into place. He also put the finish on both pieces which is an antiqued bronze look. I think these turned out great and have a great old world feel to them. I will be posting more of Metalmans projects soon so stay tuned…same metal time, same metal channel…

The latest in nerd fashion



I really love these shoes! I found them on Saturday during the storewide 50% off day(it’s the first Saturday of every month here).  I usually skip this event because it’s a madhouse that day but Randy went with me and Oliver so, I felt like there was safety in numbers!  We also found those crazy nerdy glasses for 50 cents.  I am trying to convince Randy to get his own lenses put in the frames but apparently he doesn’t like geek chic!  He is sporting the vintage shirt I got yesterday and vintage cardigan though. It’s not his normal look but I think its cute! -amy

Welcome to goodwill hunting!

Hey, I'm Amy! So glad you stopped by! Follow me as I thrift, decorate, sew, cook, and garden-all while spending as little money as I can! We'll have fun-you'll see!

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